
EU Blue Card (§18g AufenthG)

24.02.2025 - Article

Who can apply?

All academics with a recognised university degree or one which is comparable with a German university degree can apply for the “EU Blue Card” residence and work Permit.

To obtain an EU- Blue Card Visa you need to prove that you have a job in Germany which corresponds to your qualification. The condition is that you must earn an annual gross salary of at least €48.300 .

Specialists in the fields of mathematics, IT, life sciences, engineering, doctors and in other bottleneck professions are entitled to apply for an EU Blue Card if they earn the same amount as comparable German workers, but no less than €43.759,80 gross per year. This minimum salary also applies to applicants who have graduated from a foreign university within the last three years. In this case, the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) must approve your employment. This approval is not required if you earned your university degree in Germany.

IT specialists without a university degree can obtain an EU Blue Card if they have at least three years of comparable professional experience and will earn no less than €41,041.80 gross per year.

Where and how to apply?

Visa applications can only be lodged in person by prior appointment with the German Embassy in Wellington. Honorary Consuls do not handle any visa applications.

Appointments have to be booked via our online appointment booking system

Application via the Online Portal

Residents of New Zealand can now submit applications for EU Blue Cards online.

You can simply apply for the visa online via the Online Portal of the Federal Foreign Office. Once you have uploaded the application and documents, your details and documents will be checked for completeness and any questions will be clarified with you directly via the portal.

At the subsequent appointment at the German mission abroad, only your identity will be checked, your biometric data (fingerprints and photo) recorded and the fee paid.


What do I need to fill out and provide?

Please have your complete application ready for your appointment and do not include staples, post it notes, paperclips and folders of any kind. The photograph is not allowed to be stapled, glued or blue tacked to the form.

1. Please print out your completed Visa application form

2. required documentation according to the information sheet

3. Please print out and sign the Information pursuant to section 82 (1) sentence 6 of the Residence Act and Information pursuant to section 18 (2) no. 4a of the Residence Act

4. Please read the data protection regulation

and print out the data protection signature sheet

5. Visa fees

Please note:

  • Documents in a foreign language other than English must include a certified Translation. In individual cases, you may be required to provide additional information
  • Please ensure that your application documents are complete. Incomplete applications may result in rejection of the visa

Information confirmation on recognition of the degree

You can check whether your foreign university degree is recognized or comparable by consulting

the Anabin database: http://anabin.kmk.org

All academics with a recognised university degree or one which is comparable with a German university degree can apply for the “EU Blue Card” residence and work permit. If your degree is a foreign degree, you can check on the following website whether it is recognised in Germany.


If your degree is not listed on this website, you can apply for a “Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications” on the following website:


What happens after your application?

The Embassy reserves the right to request further documents or information deemed necessary for processing your application at any time and assumes no responsibility for applications submitted too close to your planned departure.
Applying for a visa does not guarantee that a visa will be issued! Once you have obtained your visa please check carefully that all entries are correct and in accordance with your application.
Upon your arrival the border authorities may examine whether the requirements for your entry continue to be valid. Entry may be refused by the border authorities although you are in possession of a valid visa. We advise you carry with you documents giving evidence to the purpose of your stay.

For the time being, it is not possible to pick up your passport in person. As soon as your application has been processed, the passport will be sent to you, using the prepaid and self-addressed courier envelope provided by you at the time of your application.

Helpful information/ links:

Information leaflet about EU Blue Card

Make it in Germany

Your guide for the first weeks in Germany: Arrival App

Bundesagentur für Arbeit

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